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京楽家ではフィリピン産の天然素材100%のココナッツオイル(ココウェル社)と、厳選した国産天然茶の実100%のTEA OIL(緑門)を使用したトリートメントをご用意しております。施術者の高瀬が日々、使用しているものだけを、皆様にもご紹介しております。

In Kyorakuya, we offer treatments using  pure 100% Coconut oil made in Philippines (Coco Well) and 100% natural TEA Seed OIL (green gates)  carefully selected domestic  green tea seeds.
I met coconut oil of Cocowell four years ago. Since then, I have use coconut oil like every day. I love their coconut oil and I am also a big fan of the company of Cocowell.
Cocowell 's dream...
『 CocoWell's business objective is to convey the charm of coconut to more people, and to change the Philippines little by little to poverty-free countries through coconut.
High quality coconuts raised by Coconut farmers over time. The coconut is commercialized as a commitment to food and cosmetics by the producer, arrives at the customer's hand, and we receive the price from customers who are satisfied with the product , and that is what we do with coconut farmers and producers It becomes income and supports their life. Though it may be exaggerated, I hope that such a virtuous cycle should be born through with coconut.
Through the business activities of Cocowell, I hope that many people know about the Philippines, about coconuts, and we can create a mechanism that will lead to solving poverty problems in a natural way. 』
Retea,their Commitment are...
Good quality of the material as it is!
We do not deodorize or decolorize!
We do not use chemicals at all!
Simple squeezing method only!
Natural filtration using washi paper finish!
We have not done an animal experiment!
I love this Tea seed oil. And I hope you will know about  this wonderful oil, and love it as I do.
茶の実オイル、Tea  oil。​

株式会社 緑門


『レティアのTEA OILは、肌の弱い人向けのスキンケアオイル



素材の良さをそのまま!   脱臭・脱色しない!

化学薬品を一切使用しない!  シンプルな圧搾方法のみ!

仕上げは和紙を使った自然ろ過!  動物実験はしない!』


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